Arts Guide Mississauga’s virtual arts community Fri, 03 May 2024 20:29:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Top 5 Scenic Picnic Spots in Mississauga Wed, 24 Apr 2024 19:47:59 +0000 Now that spring has arrived you may be looking for the perfect spot in Mississauga to enjoy a picnic. Here are five beautiful locations for a picnic.

The post The Top 5 Scenic Picnic Spots in Mississauga appeared first on Arts Guide.

This article was originally authored by Sevali Patel, a local senior, with editorial and publishing assistance provided by the editors of Mississauga Arts Guide.

The creation of this article was made possible through the support of the Seniors Community Grant Program.

As a resident of Mississauga, I’ve had the pleasure of exploring the city’s numerous parks over the years. Among the many delights this vibrant city has to offer, few experiences rival the simple joy of a picnic. Its a low cost way of making your average lunch extra special and spending time outdoors. Now that the warmer months are coming, it’s the perfect time for a picnic. Here, I present to you my personal selection of the five most picturesque picnic spots in Mississauga.

Port Credit Memorial Park

On shores of Lake Ontario, Port Credit Memorial Park is the perfect spot for picnickers. With its lush greenery, sandy beaches, and panoramic views of the lake, this park provides the perfect backdrop for a relaxing afternoon picnic. Whether you choose to spread out a blanket under the shade of a tree or enjoy a picnic table overlooking the water, the serene ambiance of this waterfront oasis is sure to enchant you.

Kariya Park

Tucked away in the heart of downtown Mississauga, Kariya Park is a peaceful haven inspired by the traditional Japanese garden design. Cherry blossom trees, tranquil ponds, and meticulously manicured gardens create a serene atmosphere that’s ideal for a tranquil picnic experience. Take a stroll along the winding pathways, find a secluded spot amidst the verdant foliage, and savor a delightful picnic surrounded by the beauty of nature.

Erindale Park

As one of the largest parks in Mississauga, Erindale Park offers a diverse array of landscapes to explore and enjoy. From vast open meadows to dense forests and winding trails, this expansive park has something for every nature lover. Settle down by the Credit River and feast your eyes on the stunning views of the valley, or venture further into the park to discover hidden picnic spots amidst the wilderness. With its natural beauty and tranquility, Erindale Park is the perfect destination for a scenic picnic adventure.

Lake Aquitaine Park

Situated in the heart of Meadowvale, Lake Aquitaine Park is a picturesque oasis surrounded by lush greenery and sparkling water. The park’s namesake lake serves as a stunning backdrop for a leisurely picnic, offering plenty of serene spots along its shoreline to set up camp. Whether you prefer to relax on the grassy banks, paddle around the lake in a canoe, or enjoy a scenic stroll along the waterfront trails, Lake Aquitaine Park provides a serene setting for a memorable picnic experience.

Jack Darling Memorial Park

For those seeking a blend of natural beauty and recreational amenities, Jack Darling Memorial Park is the perfect picnic destination. Located along the shores of Lake Ontario, this expansive waterfront park features sandy beaches, grassy picnic areas, and stunning views of the Toronto skyline. Set up your picnic blanket on the beach and soak up the sun, or gather around one of the park’s picnic shelters for a barbecue feast with family and friends. With its scenic vistas and recreational opportunities, Jack Darling Memorial Park offers the ultimate picnic experience for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts alike.

In conclusion, Mississauga boasts an abundance of scenic picnic spots that are sure to delight visitors of all ages. Whether you’re seeking waterfront vistas, tranquil gardens, or sprawling green spaces, you’ll find plenty of options to choose from in this vibrant city. So pack your picnic basket, grab a blanket, and embark on a culinary adventure amidst the beauty of nature in Mississauga’s most picturesque parks.

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A Guide to Navigating Online Reviews for the Perfect Purchase Wed, 24 Apr 2024 19:02:03 +0000 In today's digital age, online reviews have become a useful tool for buying a product but not all reviews are created equal.

The post A Guide to Navigating Online Reviews for the Perfect Purchase appeared first on Arts Guide.

This article was originally authored by Michael H., a local senior, with editorial and publishing assistance provided by the editors of Mississauga Arts Guide.

The creation of this article was made possible through the support of the Seniors Community Grant Program.

In today’s digital age, online reviews have become a useful tool for making choices when buying a product. Whether you’re looking for a new coffee maker, a restaurant to try, or even a place to stay on vacation, the opinions of others online can help you make an informed decision. However, not all reviews are created equal, and knowing how to read and interpret them can make all the difference. Here’s a guide to help you navigate online reviews:

1. Multiple Sources, Multiple Perspectives

When starting your research, it’s best to consult multiple sources. Look beyond the reviews on a single website and check out different platforms like Amazon, Yelp, TripAdvisor, or specific websites related to the product. This allows you to gather a range of perspectives, giving you a more comprehensive view of the product’s strengths and weaknesses.

2. Look for Consistency

While individual experiences can vary, consistency among reviews is a good indicator of the product’s overall performance. If you notice a recurring theme—whether positive or negative—across multiple reviews, it’s likely a reliable factor to consider. For example, if several reviews mention a flashlights impressive battery life, it’s a good sign that the battery performance is consistent.

3. Check the Reviewer’s Profile

Take a moment to look at the reviewer’s profile or bio, if available. Some platforms allow users to provide additional information such as their age, location, or specific interests. This context can help you gauge whether their needs and preferences align with yours. A review from someone with similar tastes or requirements may be more relevant to your decision-making process.

4. Read Both Positive and Negative Reviews

It’s tempting to only focus on either the glowing five-star reviews or the scathing one-star rants, but the truth often lies somewhere in between. Positive reviews can highlight a product’s strengths and features that might appeal to you, while negative reviews can point out potential drawbacks or issues to watch out for. Striking a balance between the two gives you a more realistic picture.

5. Consider the Review’s Length

A one-liner review saying “great product!” or “terrible experience” may not provide much insight. Look for reviews that go into detail about the user’s experience with the product. Descriptions of how the product was used, what specific features were liked or disliked, and any comparisons to similar products can be incredibly helpful in understanding its performance.

6. Watch Out for Fake Reviews

Unfortunately, the internet is full of fake accounts and fake reviews. Some businesses or individuals may post artificially positive reviews to boost sales, while others might leave overly negative reviews out of spite. Look for suspicious patterns such as multiple reviews with similar wording or an unusually high number of positive reviews within a short period. Many platforms have algorithms in place to detect and remove fake reviews, but it’s always good to stay vigilant.

7. Use Aggregate Scores Wisely

Aggregate scores, such as star ratings or percentages, can provide a quick snapshot of a product’s overall reception. However, they should be used in conjunction with reading individual reviews. A product with a high average rating might have a few critical flaws that are mentioned in the written reviews, while a lower-rated product could have redeeming qualities that are praised by users.

8. Look for User-Generated Media

Some reviews may include photos or videos uploaded by users. These can be particularly helpful, especially for products like clothing, electronics, or appliances. Seeing the product in real-life situations or hearing how it sounds (for audio equipment) can give you a better sense of what to expect.

9. Remember Your Own Needs and Preferences

Lastly, keep your own needs, preferences, and budget in mind as you read reviews. What works perfectly for one person might not be ideal for another. Consider what features are most important to you, your budget constraints, and how you plan to use the product. A highly-rated but expensive item might not be worth it if it has features you won’t use.

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Exploring Artistic Wonders: 5 Must-Visit Places for Art Enthusiasts in Mississauga Wed, 24 Apr 2024 18:02:19 +0000 Discover the top 5 places to see art in Mississauga! From galleries to outdoor installations, explore the vibrant cultural scene.

The post Exploring Artistic Wonders: 5 Must-Visit Places for Art Enthusiasts in Mississauga appeared first on Arts Guide.

This article was originally authored by Jenny Lee and Yvonne Malik, local seniors, with editorial and publishing assistance provided by the editors of Mississauga Arts Guide.

The creation of this article was made possible through the support of the Seniors Community Grant Program.

The city of Mississauga, is rich cultural tapestry, among its many treasures, the flourishing art scene is captivating. From contemporary galleries to outdoor exhibitions, Mississauga offers a diverse array of artistic experiences that cater to every taste and preference. I will share with you the five best places to see art in our beloved city:

Art Gallery of Mississauga (AGM)

Nestled in the heart of Mississauga’s Civic Centre, the Art Gallery of Mississauga stands as a beacon of creativity and innovation. Boasting a dynamic collection of contemporary Canadian art, the AGM showcases the works of both emerging and established artists. From thought-provoking exhibitions to engaging workshops and events, this gallery serves as a hub for artistic expression and community engagement.

Mississauga Celebration Square

Beyond its role as a venue for concerts and festivals, Mississauga Celebration Square is a haven for art enthusiasts. Throughout the year, the square hosts captivating outdoor art installations and interactive exhibits that transform the space into a gallery without walls. Whether it’s a mesmerizing sculpture or a vibrant mural, every visit to Celebration Square promises a new artistic discovery.

Visual Arts Mississauga at Riverwood

Tucked away amidst the scenic beauty of Riverwood Park, Visual Arts Mississauga (VAM) offers a serene retreat for art lovers. With its picturesque surroundings serving as inspiration, VAM provides a platform for local artists to showcase their talents through exhibitions, classes, and special events. Whether you’re strolling through the tranquil gardens or exploring the gallery spaces, VAM offers a delightful blend of nature and artistry.

Living Arts Centre

Situated in the heart of Mississauga’s downtown core, the Living Arts Centre is a cultural hub that celebrates the performing and visual arts. While renowned for its stellar lineup of live performances, the centre also features a captivating art gallery that showcases a diverse range of works by local and international artists. Whether you’re attending a theatre production or perusing the gallery, the Living Arts Centre promises a memorable artistic experience.

Visual Arts Mississauga at Riverwood

Tucked away amidst the scenic beauty of Riverwood Park, Visual Arts Mississauga (VAM) offers a serene retreat for art lovers. With its picturesque surroundings serving as inspiration, VAM provides a platform for local artists to showcase their talents through exhibitions, classes, and special events. Whether you’re strolling through the tranquil gardens or exploring the gallery spaces, VAM offers a delightful blend of nature and artistry.

Streetsville Village Square

Steeped in history and charm, Streetsville Village Square offers a quaint yet enchanting setting for art enthusiasts to explore. From its charming streets adorned with colorful murals to its cozy cafes and boutiques, Streetsville exudes artistic flair at every turn. Whether you’re admiring local artwork or attending one of the many cultural events hosted in the square, Streetsville offers a delightful fusion of art, culture, and community spirit.

In conclusion, Mississauga is a treasure trove of artistic wonders, with each of these five destinations offering a unique glimpse into the city’s vibrant cultural landscape. Whether you’re a seasoned art aficionado or simply looking to explore something new, these must-visit places are sure to inspire and delight. So, grab your walking shoes, embrace your sense of wonder, and embark on a journey of artistic discovery in our beloved city of Mississauga.

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Finding Silver Linings in Unwanted Crocheting Wed, 24 Apr 2024 17:13:58 +0000 Have you ever tried out a new hobby only to realize you hate it. This is what I learned about picking up new hobbies.

The post Finding Silver Linings in Unwanted Crocheting appeared first on Arts Guide.

This article was originally authored by Aleksandra Nowak, a local senior, with editorial and publishing assistance provided by the editors of Mississauga Arts Guide.

The creation of this article was made possible through the support of the Seniors Community Grant Program.

Crocheting—it’s an activity I never imagined myself doing, let alone hating. Yet here I am, surrounded by yarn and hooks, trying to muster up the enthusiasm to continue. It all started when my friend Hugette introduced me to the world of crocheting. She picked up the hobby of crocheting, after watching a video online. She started practicing and became really good at it. She showed me all of the items she’s worked on and I was impressed. She crocheted an adorable snail, and some coasters. She’s now working on a shopping bag, to take with her on the grocery store. She told me it would be a relaxing hobby, I could do in my spare time. I need to relax, so I thought why not.

At first, I was intrigued. Hugette sent me videos from her phone to watch of all these creations, people were making. I saw videos of little animals, hats and gloves. One woman ever crocheted a large quilt for her bedroom. The idea of creating a colourful crochet bedspread, from a simple ball of yarn seemed appealing. I wanted to do that too. I dreamt of making small trinkets and gifting them to my family. The image of seeing their faces after showing my hard work, brought me joy. I bought the supplies, invested in patterns, and even signed up for a beginner online class. But as time went on, my enthusiasm waned, and I realized that crocheting was not for me.

Firstly, the cost surprised me. Yarn and patterns aren’t cheap, and as someone on a budget, it felt like an unnecessary expense.

I mean what’s the point of making your own stuff if it costs more to create than it is to go to the store or an art show and buy it?

The supplies took up valuable space in my already cluttered home, and the thought of spending hours following a pattern felt stifling rather than creative.

To make matters worse, crocheting aggravated my arthritis and strained my eyes. The repetitive motions and fine details were not kind to my joints, and the strain on my eyes left me with headaches. As much as I tried to enjoy it, the discomfort was too much to bear.

Honestly, I’d rather shop at Winners and pick out some cute things for my family, for the holidays rather than make them something. it would be much cheaper and the quality would be much better.

Hugette, bless her heart, is a constant cheerleader for crocheting. I don’t have the heart to tell her how much I dislike it, so I’ve been quietly avoiding my crochet hooks and yarn.

But perhaps there’s a silver lining in this unwanted hobby. As I pondered what to do with all these supplies, it struck me—my daughter-in-law might enjoy crocheting. She’s always been the creative type. She likes to make things. She takes painting classes on Monday evenings. Maybe she’ll find joy in crocheting and use it to make her own clothes instead of constantly splurging on unnecessary clothes.

I am pack up my crochet kit. Now I have a plan. It is my daughter in laws birthday on a few weeks. This will be a perfect gift for her. With a sigh of relief, I realize that even in a situation I dislike, there’s potential for good. Maybe my failed attempt at crocheting will lead to a new passion for my daughter-in-law, and perhaps, in the end, that’s worth all the yarn and hooks in the world.

Maybe you’ve started a new hobby or you are planning to. Maybe you’ve already invested in the hobby, but you don’t like it as much as you thought you would. I hope you realize after reading my story, that there is a sliver lining and you can still try new things.

This article is written by a local senior in Mississauga with editorial and publishing assistance from Mississauga Arts Guide Editors.

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Exploring My Top Three Reads of the Past Year Wed, 24 Apr 2024 15:09:27 +0000 Over the past year, I've had the pleasure of reading three incredible books. While they may not be award-winners, these books earn a special place on my bookshelf.

The post Exploring My Top Three Reads of the Past Year appeared first on Arts Guide.

This article was originally authored by Loreta Taloo., a local senior, with editorial and publishing assistance provided by the editors of Mississauga Arts Guide.

The creation of this article was made possible through the support of the Seniors Community Grant Program.

I’m an avid reader. Ever since I was a little girl, I always had my nose in a book. 56 years later the habit has continued. Any chance I get I read, on a bus ride home after work, on a flight, in bed after dinner. There’s nothing quite like the joy of getting lost in the pages of a captivating book. Over the past year, I’ve had the pleasure of delving into a variety of stories that have left a lasting impression on me. While they may not be award-winners, these three books have earned a special place on my bookshelf, each offering a unique journey into different worlds and perspectives.

1. “The Forgotten Home Child” by Genevieve Graham

Set in Canada during the early 1900s, “The Forgotten Home Child” is a  poignant historical fiction novel that shines a light on a lesser-known aspect of Canadian history. The story follows Winny, a young orphan sent to Canada as part of the British Home Children program, where she faces hardships and challenges in her new life.

What drew me to this book was its powerful storytelling and the way it shed light on a piece of Canadian history that is often overlooked. Genevieve Graham’s writing beautifully captures the struggles and triumphs of Winny as she navigates a new country, all while trying to find a sense of belonging. The novel is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the bonds that can form in the most unexpected places.

2. “The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo” by Taylor Jenkins Reid

This book took me on a whirlwind of emotions from start to finish. “The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo” is a captivating novel that tells the story of a legendary Hollywood actress, Evelyn Hugo, as she recounts her life and loves to an unknown journalist.

What makes this book stand out is its complex and multifaceted characters, especially Evelyn Hugo herself. The author, Taylor Jenkins Reid,  masterfully weaves together themes of love, ambition, and identity against the glamorous backdrop of old Hollywood. As I followed Evelyn’s journey through the highs and lows of fame, I found myself engrossed in her compelling story of love and sacrifice.

3. “The Midnight Library” by Matt Haig

“The Midnight Library” is a thought-provoking and deeply introspective novel that explores the idea of second chances and the paths not taken. The story is about Nora Seed, who finds herself in a mysterious library between life and death, where each book on the shelves represents a different version of her life.

This book resonated with me on a personal level, as it delves into themes of regret, choices, and the search for fulfillment. Matt Haig’s writing is both poignant and hopeful, inviting readers to reflect on their own lives and the possibilities that exist. As Nora navigates the Midnight Library and explores the lives she could have lived, I found myself contemplating my own choices and the paths I’ve taken.

In conclusion, these three books have made a lasting impact on me over the past year. From the historical depths of “The Forgotten Home Child” to the glamour of “The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo” and the introspection of “The Midnight Library,” each book offered a unique and unforgettable reading experience. Whether exploring Canadian history, the complexities of fame, or the what-ifs of life, these stories have left me with a deeper appreciation for the power of storytelling.

Original article written by local Mississauga seniors, with publishing assistance of Mississauga Arts Guide editors.

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The Quiet Joy of Daily Journaling Tue, 23 Apr 2024 16:59:47 +0000 Have you every wanted to pick up a new hobby, like journaling? This is my experience practicing journaling for the first time, and what I learned from it.

The post The Quiet Joy of Daily Journaling appeared first on Arts Guide.

This article was originally authored by Raquel Chosa, a local senior, with editorial and publishing assistance provided by the editors of Mississauga Arts Guide.

The creation of this article was made possible through the support of the Seniors Community Grant Program.

I remember when I first decided to start writing in a journal every day. It was a simple idea that sparked excitement in me—a chance to document my thoughts, experiences, and the little moments that make up life. So, armed with a new notebook and a pen, I began my journey into the world of daily journaling.

I was taking a creative writing course and our instructor recommended we journal, to help with writers block and improve our writing skill. I suffer terribly with writer’s block, so this was a great idea.

At first, I was enthusiastic. Each evening, I would sit down with my journal, eager to pour out my thoughts onto the page. It felt like a release, a way to untangle the jumble of thoughts in my mind and make sense of the day’s events.

But on day three of my new adventure, reality set in. What do I write, when I have nothing to write about? I started at my blank page of paper for fifteen minutes, before writing the sentence “I had cheerios for breakfast, and washed the dishes” and closed the book. How insightful. I thought maybe inspiration will come to me later in the day, but it never did, and I forgot to complete my entry.

After only one week of journaling, I was seriously reconsidering my new hobby. But I had made a promise to myself. I read that it takes 2 months, 66 days for a new habit to develop. So I told myself I would keep journaling for 2 months, and if at the end of two months I wanted to quit, I would.

I kept at it but journaling didn’t become any easier. Sometimes days were just plain ordinary, with nothing noteworthy to write about. “What’s the point?” I would think to myself. Other days, life got busy, and amidst the hustle and bustle, I would forget to pick up my pen. It was during these moments of struggle that I learned the true value of discipline. I realized that even on the most mundane days, there was something to write about. Whether it was a fleeting thought, a brief encounter, or simply a description of the weather, every entry added up to create a snapshot of my life.

I found solace in the simplicity of the task. Just five minutes a day was all it took to sit down and jot down a few lines. It became a meditative practice, a moment of quiet reflection in the midst of a busy world. I realized that I didn’t need to write anything profound or artistic. Writing simple sentences was good enough.

As I continued with my daily journaling, I noticed an unexpected improvement in my writing. The act of putting pen to paper every day honed my skills, allowing me to express myself more clearly and eloquently.

Now, as I approach the three-month mark of this daily activity, I find myself looking forward to my journaling sessions. It has become a calming ritual, a way to unwind at the end of the day.

One of the joys of journaling is the ability to look back on past entries. Sometimes, I’ll flip through the pages and read about moments that have long since passed. It’s a way to remember, to relive those experiences, both big and small.

What strikes me the most is how my mood can shift from day to day, reflected in the words on the page. One day I might be filled with excitement and optimism, while the next I could be grappling with worries and doubts.

Through my journal, I’ve also come to appreciate the small things that bring me joy. A phone call with my niece once a week has become a hallmark of my week, a bright spot that I always look forward to. Or the simple pleasure of finding bananas on sale at the grocery store, a small victory that never fails to make me smile.

In the end, daily journaling has become more than just a habit—it’s a source of comfort, reflection, and self-discovery. It has taught me the power of consistency, the value of small moments, and the joy of capturing life’s journey, one page at a time.

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Making Friends In New Places: A Grocery Store Friendship Tue, 23 Apr 2024 16:44:27 +0000 Making friends in a new city is hard, but an every day encounter at a grocery story turns into a beautiful friendship.

The post Making Friends In New Places: A Grocery Store Friendship appeared first on Arts Guide.

This article was originally authored by Sarah Lynn Birde., a local senior, with editorial and publishing assistance provided by the editors of Mississauga Arts Guide.

The creation of this article was made possible through the support of the Seniors Community Grant Program.

It was a normal Tuesday morning, when I went to grab groceries at the Metro. That day the store was empty. I made my list last night and was ready to get in and get out out. I only needed a few things, milk, eggs, cheese, cucumbers, onions and peppers. I was also trying out a new pumpernickel bread recipe that my friend had sent to me, and needed to buy dark rye flour. I didn’t even know if they sold it here. I was trying to find a store employee for help but there was no one there. But then I saw this lady, turning down the aisle. I was already looking in this section for 10 minutes with no luck, so I asked her. She said she didn’t even know, but was nice enough to track down an employee to help look. Together we looked and the employee had to call his manager. The manager told me that they didn’t sell it here.

I apologized to the friendly lady for wasting her time. She told me, “It’s alright. This is the most excitement I’ve had all week.” She asked me what the flour was for and I told her about my pumpernickel bread recipe. She was so nice, she called her son, to see if he could find where to find dark rye flour Mississauga. He recommended Loblaws or Walmart. I was defeated, but she helped renew my hope.

We got to talking. Her name is Anjani. She moved to Canada with her son and his wife, fifteen years ago. The had lived in Brampton for most of her live. It was her grandson’s fifth birthday this weekend. They had bought a house recently in Streetsville.

I told her I was new to the city too. I moved to the city last year to be closer to my daughter, after I retired. By the time we reached the checkout, we were like old pals. I asked her if she wanted to meet again, and we exchanged phone numbers.

Saturday came, and we met up at a walking trail. It was autumn, leaves crunching under our shoes as we walked. We shared stories about our lives, dreams, and hobbies. I told her about my trip to Walmart to find dark rye flour. It was an adventure! A story I will tell another time. Anjani told be about her grandson’s birthday party. His parents bought him a lego set for his birthday. She was mad at her son because Legos are mess to clean up. A mess, she will have to clean up. We laughed a lot, the beauty of the trail matching the warmth of our new friendship.

At a spot overlooking the lake Ontario, we paused to take it all in. Anjani said it was amazing, and I couldn’t agree more. It’s one of my favourite places, and I was happy to share it with her.

After that walk, we kept in touch every so often. She invited me to her home for dinner once and I got to meet her family and her grandson. I never knew she was such a good cook. Sometimes we go on walks together at our favourite walking trail. Our favourite part is sitting down and looking out onto the lake. The one year anniversary of our friendship just passed this October. I was grateful for that chance meeting at the grocery store. Who knew that dark rye flour, can turn into a beautiful friendship.

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10 Engaging Activities For Seniors In Mississauga Tue, 23 Apr 2024 15:53:59 +0000 In the city of Mississauga, there are plenty of opportunities for seniors to stay active, socialize, and explore new interests.

The post 10 Engaging Activities For Seniors In Mississauga appeared first on Arts Guide.

This article was originally authored by Aarav S. and Marcin Jankowski, local seniors, with editorial and publishing assistance provided by the editors of Mississauga Arts Guide.

The creation of this article was made possible through the support of the Seniors Community Grant Program.

In the city of Mississauga, there are plenty of opportunities for seniors to stay active, socialize, and explore new interests. You might have a hard time finding things to do, and not know where to look. Don’t worry, this article is here to be a helpful resource for older adults to find activities in Mississauga.

Whether you’re seeking fitness challenges, creative outlets, or simply a chance to connect with others, here are 10 activities for seniors in Mississauga to consider.

1. Active Adult Centre Mississauga (377 Burnhamthorpe Rd E suite 116, Mississauga)

Active Adult Centre Mississauga (AACM) a charitable organization committed to enriching the lives of Mississauga’s active adults, specifically for adults aged 50 and older. From fitness classes, to art workshops, AACM offers a wide range of activities to promote physical, mental, and social well-being. Join a yoga session to improve flexibility, try your hand at watercolour painting, or participate in a lively game of pickleball. With multiple locations across the city, AACM makes it easy to find activities that suit your interests and schedule.

2. Mississauga Seniors’ Centre (1389 Cawthra Rd, Mississauga)

 The Mississauga Seniors’ Centre is a hub of activity for older adults (ages 55+), offering a variety of programs and services to promote an active and healthy lifestyle. Take part in fitness classes such as tai chi or Zumba, join a book club for stimulating discussions, or learn a new skill in a cooking workshop. The centre also hosts social events like dances and outings to local attractions, providing opportunities to make new friends and create lasting memories. Classes are registered and drop in.

3. Mississauga Seniors Club

Mississauga Seniors Club is focused on helping seniors who have immigrated to Canada with their families. Mississauga Seniors Clubs objectives are to provide recreational activities, support and a forum for information sharing and to find ways and means to become part of the mainstream of Canadian life. Their mission is to ensure that the changing needs of Mississauga seniors are met by providing support and consultation to reduce isolation and loneliness, to increase acculturation of seniors, educate seniors regarding their rights in Canada, educate seniors about social services available to them, increase positive interaction among seniors and friends of all cultures, and increase civic participation of seniors in municipal, provincial and federal systems.

4. Clarkson Seniors Centre (Clarkson Community Centre, 2475 Truscott Drive, Mississauga)

The Clarkson Seniors Centre, which meets out of the Clarkson Community Centre, provides social activities and events for seniors by seniors. Activities include Tai Chi, Dance Classes, Fitness Classes, Bowling Euchre and more

3. Walking Groups

Mississauga boasts an abundance of scenic trails and parks, making it the perfect setting for walking groups. Joining a walking group not only  promotes physical fitness but also allows seniors to explore the city’s natural beauty in the company of others. Whether it’s a leisurely stroll along the Waterfront Trail or a brisk walk through a local park, walking groups provide a fun and social way to stay active.

Interested in local Mississauga walking groups? Check out Walk With A Future Doc. Walk with a Future Doc is a walking program for everyone interested in taking steps for a healthier lifestyle. You’ll take a few minutes to learn about a current health topic from a healthcare professional or medical student and then spend the rest of the hour enjoying a healthy walk and fun conversation. It’s a great way to get out, get active, and enjoy all the benefits that come along with walking.

4. Arts and Crafts Classes at Visual Arts Mississauga (4170 Riverwood Park Ln, Mississauga, ON L5C 2S7)

Located at the Riverwood Conservancy, Visual Arts Mississauga provides artists with stunning views of nature to inspire them as they create. Visual Arts Mississauga provides classes designed for older adults to participate in. For seniors with a creative flair, arts and crafts classes offer a wonderful outlet for self-expression. Organizations such as Visual Arts Mississauga and local community centres host a variety of art workshops, including painting, pottery, and jewelry making. These classes provide an opportunity to learn new techniques, discover hidden talents, and create beautiful works of art to share with friends and family.

5. Gardening Clubs

Green thumbs unite in Mississauga’s gardening clubs, where seniors can indulge their passion for plants and gardening. Joining a gardening  club not only allows you to cultivate beautiful gardens but also provides a sense of community and camaraderie with fellow gardening enthusiasts. Whether you’re tending to a community garden plot or attending a workshop on urban gardening, these clubs offer a rewarding and fulfilling pastime. There are lots of local gardening clubs to join including:

  1. Streetsville Horticultural Society
  2. Cloverleaf Garden Club
  3. Credit Valley Horticultural Society

6. Volunteer Opportunities

Seniors in Mississauga have a wealth of opportunities to give back to the community through volunteering. Organizations such as Volunteer MBC match volunteers with a wide range of roles, from assisting at local events to supporting charitable causes. Volunteering not only benefits the community but also provides seniors with a sense of  purpose and fulfillment.

7. Cooking Classes

Exploring new cuisines and honing culinary skills can be both enjoyable and delicious. Many community centres and culinary schools  in Mississauga offer cooking classes tailored for seniors. Whether you’re interested in mastering Italian pasta dishes or learning the art of sushi making, these classes offer hands-on experience and the opportunity to socialize over a shared meal.

8. Technology Workshops

In today’s digital age, staying up-to-date with technology can open doors to new opportunities. Libraries and community centres in Mississauga offer technology workshops specifically designed for seniors. Whether it’s learning how to use a smartphone or navigating social media, these workshops provide valuable skills for staying connected with loved ones and exploring the online world.

There are lots of Canadian and local not-for-profit groups providing low-cost or free classes and workshops for adults. Peel Adult Learning Centre is a great resource for adult classes.

9. Group Fitness Classes

Staying active is essential for overall health and well-being, and group fitness classes offer a fun and motivating way to exercise. From  low-impact aerobics to chair yoga, there are classes tailored to various fitness levels and abilities. Joining a group fitness class not only improves physical health but also fosters a sense of community and support among participants.

10. Educational Seminars and Lectures

 For seniors with a thirst for knowledge, educational seminars and lectures offer a stimulating intellectual outlet. Libraries, community centres, and organizations like Lifelong Learning Mississauga host a variety of talks on topics ranging from history and science to current events and literature. These events provide an opportunity to engage in thought-provoking discussions and expand your horizons.

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Embrace the Adventure: The Joy of Daily Walks in Your Neighbourhood Fri, 19 Apr 2024 20:01:52 +0000 Learn how to add little moments of joy into a daily routine. A walk around the neighbourhood can be an exciting adventure.

The post Embrace the Adventure: The Joy of Daily Walks in Your Neighbourhood appeared first on Arts Guide.

This article was originally authored by Aisha Khan, a local senior, with editorial and publishing assistance provided by the editors of Mississauga Arts Guide.

The creation of this article was made possible through the support of the Seniors Community Grant Program.

In our everyday lives, it’s easy to overlook the little surprises that lie just outside our front doors. The simple act of taking a walk in your neighbourhood, something many of us do everyday, can be a great adventure. Whether you’re a seasoned explorer or just looking to find something new in your everyday routine, here’s why going for a walk once a day in your neighbourhood can be exciting.

1. Discovery Around Every Corner

Every street in your neighbourhood holds secrets that are waiting to be discovered. As you set out on your daily walk, keep your eyes open for new sights, sounds, and experiences. You might stumble upon a cute little café tucked away on a side street, or find your neighbour tending to a garden bursting with colourful blooms, or a mural painted by an artist. You can walk down streets and admire the new renovations your neighbours have added to their houses, such as a mailbox with a fresh coat of paint, or even a completely re-modeled home. These small discoveries can turn an ordinary walk into a treasure hunt, with surprises awaiting at every turn.

2. Connecting with Community

Walking through your neighbourhood offers a unique opportunity to connect with your community on a personal level. You might wave to familiar faces, strike up conversations with neighbours tending to their gardens, or stop to pet a friendly dog…or cat! These interactions not only brighten your day but also foster a sense of belonging and friendship. Your next door neighbours can become your best friend. And you don’t have to travel too far to visit them! You might even discover local events, like farmer’s markets or street festivals, that you wouldn’t have known about otherwise.

3. Nature’s Beauty in Unexpected Places

Trees lining the sidewalks, birds chirping in the early morning, and flowers peeking out from between concrete cracks—all remind us of the beauty of the nature. If you are lucky, you might live near a creek, a ravine, or a park. But even in urban areas, with roadways filled with honking cars, and lots of pedestrians, nature always finds a way to re-appear. For example take Kariyka park, next to Square One Shopping Centre. The park is filled with beautiful cherry blossom trees, that open every spring. Take a moment during your walk to appreciate these small wonders. You might be surprised at the peace and tranquility they bring to your day.

4. Exercise for Body and Mind

Walking around the block once a day, is a great way to get in exercise for anyone of any age. It’s easy to do and can be moderated for those who may have difficulty walking or exercising. Of course, the health benefits of walking are well-documented, but the benefits go beyond physical fitness. A daily walk can also do wonders for your mind. It’s a chance to clear your mind, and relieve your stress, and boost your mood. Walking allows your thoughts to flow freely. Sometimes it helps you get into a creative mood. And the brisk morning air can wake you up if you are feeling tired. Many people find that some of their best ideas come to them during these quiet moments of walking.

5. Seasonal Delights

One of the joys of walking in your neighbourhood is seeing the seasons change. In spring, you’ll can see flowers blooming and trees coming to life. In the summer, you can enjoy the sunshine, allowing for long evenings perfect for leisurely strolls. Fall is a colourful seasons, when the trees change colours to reds, yellows, browns and oranges. Even winter has its charm, with the quiet beauty of snow-covered streets. Each season offers something special, and by walking regularly, you’ll be able to witness these transformations.

6. Meditation

Walking is a form of meditation. It’s a chance to be fully present in the moment, away from phone screens and distractions. If you have children, grandchildren or family members who are addicted to their phones, one walk a day can help them over come their addiction and spend quality time with you. As you walk, pay attention to the sensations around you—the feel of the pavement beneath your feet, the gentle breeze on your skin, the scent of flowers in bloom. Being mindful during your walk can help you feel more grounded and connected to the world around you.

7. Inspiration for Creativity

If you’re feeling stuck in a creative rut, a change of scenery might be just what you need. Your neighbourhood holds a wealth of artistic inspiration. Bring a sketchbook, journal, or camera with you to capture anything that catches your eye.

8. A Chance to Socialize

A good walk is the perfect way to socialize. Say hello to your neighbours as you pass by them, and ask them how they are doing. Or bring a friend or family member along on your walk so you can catch up. If you prefer silence on your walk but still want companionship, bring a furry friend.

8. A Chance for Reflection

Lastly, walking offers a chance for quiet reflection. Whether you’re pondering a problem, reminiscing about past memories, or simply enjoying the solitude, walking provides a space for introspection. Some of life’s biggest decisions have been made during a stroll around the block. Use this time to listen to your thoughts and feelings in peace.

So, the next time you’re feeling the urge to break free from the routine, lace up your shoes and step outside for a walk in your neighbourhood. A daily walk isn’t just exercise—it’s a chance to live life fully and find joy in the simple moments.

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Top 10 Coffee Shops in Mississauga: A Caffeine Lover’s Guide Fri, 19 Apr 2024 17:00:13 +0000 Calling all caffeine lovers. Discover the top 10 coffee shops in Mississauga for an unforgettable coffee experience.

The post Top 10 Coffee Shops in Mississauga: A Caffeine Lover’s Guide appeared first on Arts Guide.

This article was originally authored by Leslie Ivanchenko, a local senior, with editorial and publishing assistance provided by the editors of Mississauga Arts Guide.

The creation of this article was made possible through the support of the Seniors Community Grant Program.

Looking for where to find your next go to coffee shops in Mississauga. Mississauga boasts a vibrant coffee scene that caters to both locals in search of their daily fix and visitors seeking a cozy spot to unwind. From artisanal brews to delightful pastries, the city offers a diverse array of coffee shops that are sure to please any caffeine enthusiast. Whether you’re a fan of classic espresso or adventurous specialty drinks, here are the top 10 coffee shops in Mississauga to add to your must-visit list.

1. Halo Espresso Bar (3024 Hurontario St, Mississauga)

Located in the heart of Cooksville, Mississauga, Halo Espresso Bar is a hidden gem known for its exceptional coffee and warm atmosphere. This cozy shop roasts their beans in-house, offering a selection of single-origin coffees and expertly crafted espresso drinks. Pair your brew with a freshly baked pastry for the perfect morning treat. Because they roast their beans in house, you can enjoy the rich coffee aroma throughout the cafe, while sipping your morning coffee. If you want to take the coffee home as a gift for your loved one or yourself, they sell bags of freshly ground or whole bean coffee.

2. Studio.89 (2520 Eglinton Ave W Unit 1, Mississauga) 

More than just a coffee shop, Studio.89 is a community-driven cafe that combines delicious coffee with a passion for social change. Their Fair Trade, organic coffee options are a hit among patrons who appreciate ethically sourced beverages. With their vegan-friendly menu and engaging events, from open mic nights to workshops, the cafe offers a great experience to costumers. If at first you might be skeptical about how tasty their vegan selection is, rest assured their food is delicious.

3. Archtop Cafe (91 Lakeshore Rd E, Mississauga)

There’s nothing better in the summertime than strolling along the streets of Port Credit and taking in the lakeside scenery. See boats docked near Snug Harbour, listen to the waves, and check out boutiques doted across Lakeshore street. If it gets too hot, step inside Archtop Cafe.  Archtop Cafe stands out for its unique blend of music and coffee culture. As you sip on a velvety latte, you can browse their selection of vinyl records. If you want something a little stronger, they also serve delicious cocktails and local beers.

4. Back Road Coffee Roasters (133 Queen St E, Mississauga)

Calling all motor heads and bikers! This retro-motor themed cafe, welcomes travellers, with a hot cup of coffee. Tucked away on Queens St E, Back Road Coffee Roasters exudes a charming, calming ambiance. Step inside to find an array of espresso-based drinks expertly prepared by skilled baristas. The welcoming atmosphere invites patrons to relax with a book or catch up with friends over a perfectly brewed cappuccino.

5. La Villa Bakery & Cafe (331 Lakeshore Rd E, Mississauga)

For a taste of authentic Italian coffee, head to La Villa Bakery & Cafe.  This family-owned establishment delights customers with traditional Italian espresso, served alongside freshly baked pastries and paninis. Whether you’re craving a quick espresso shot or a leisurely cappuccino, La Villa delivers on flavour and authenticity. Fun fact, bakery owner, Mr. John Bozzo, was named Mississauga’s citizen of the year in 2021.

6. Matari Coffee (3465 Platinum Dr unit 97, Mississauga)

Matari Coffee is a favourite among for its top-notch coffee and friendly service. This U.S. based coffee company serving delicious Yemeni coffee and pastries, opened it’s doors in 2023. With a chic interior and ample seating, it’s an ideal spot for a midday pick-me-up.

7. Hale Coffee Company (100 City Centre Dr, Mississauga)

Need a pick me up while shopping in the bustling Square One Shopping Mall? Hale Coffee Company offers a cozy ambiance, that insolates you from the noisy shopping centre. a Their diverse menu caters to all tastes, from classic espresso to specialty brews. With a commitment to quality and community, it’s a welcoming spot for coffee enthusiasts in the heart of the city.

8. Cosenza Espresso Bar (3570-3578 Mavis Rd, Mississauga)

Enjoy mouthwatering sandwiches paired with the perfectly creafted latte or espresso. This Italian style cafe is the perfect spot to relax. With an old school European charm, this cafe is sure to charm you with it’s relaxed ambiance. The staff are top-notch and deliver superb service.

9. Café Palm Bites (3920 Eglinton Ave W unit 34, Mississauga)

Café Palm Bites is a beautiful upscale cafe and desert on Eglinton Ave, with a Middle-Eastern Flair. Step inside to find a modern space adorned with desserts galore, offering the perfect cafe experience. Their expertly brewed coffee and friendly staff make it a beloved spot for regulars who appreciate a personalized touch with their beverages. Before you leave don’t forget to try their gourmet dates, which pair perfectly with their coffee.

10. The Bloom Coffee (3525 Platinum Dr, Mississauga)

Rounding off our list is The Bloom Coffee, a charming spot on the border of Mississauga. Known for their smooth espresso and rich, flavourful brews, this cafe is a favourite among those in search of a quality cup of coffee. Their selection of homemade baked goods perfectly complements the coffee, making it a must-visit for any coffee aficionado.

Whether you’re a connoisseur in search of the perfect pour-over or simply looking for a cozy spot to relax with a latte, Mississauga’s coffee scene has something to offer everyone. From trendy cafes to community-driven spaces, these top 10 coffee shops are sure to satisfy your caffeine cravings while providing a welcoming atmosphere to savour each sip. Next time you find yourself in Mississauga, be sure to embark on a coffee adventure and discover the diverse flavours this city has brewing!

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